Why do bones fail?
Can analytical methods from materials science help researchers better understand human bones? A team at Empa in Thun is pursuing precisely this approach.
Dr. Smith is a fellowship-trained, Board Certified orthopaedic surgeon with extensive training in hip & knee surgery from the prestigious Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota & the New Albany Surgical Hospital in New Albany, Ohio. He completed his Orthopedic Surgery Residency at Michigan State University & medical school..
Can analytical methods from materials science help researchers better understand human bones? A team at Empa in Thun is pursuing precisely this approach.
The research recorded the health states of more than 2,000 people on waiting lists and found 19 per cent were in extreme pain or discomfort.
When the bursa becomes inflamed, each time the tendon has to move over the bone, pain results. Because patients with hip bursitis move this tendon with each step, symptoms of this condition can be quite painful.
The knee is the largest joint in the body. People use it heavily every day as they walk, run, climb, or jump. As a result, it is also very prone to injury and pain. When these occur, a doctor may recommend exercises to help a person strengthen the muscles around the knee.
Many people have hip arthritis, but it can be difficult to know when the right time to have a hip replacement surgery is. Furthermore, there is confusion about what to expect from hip replacement surgery. Learn the basics you need to know about hip replacement surgery.
Joint pain and swelling become more common as people age. Pain in the knee can make walking, running, and other activities uncomfortable. It can also make it difficult to fall or stay asleep at night.
Hip and thigh pads are generally available at many sporting goods and specialty stores and can be used by athletes of nearly any sport that has a high risk of falls or collisions and hip injuries.
Losing at least 20 lb before total knee arthroplasty is associated with better outcomes among morbidly obese patients, according to a study published online Aug. 21 in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.
Arthritis in the knees can strike people as young as 45, with symptoms severe enough to limit activities and harm quality of life. What can be done about it?
Even though arthritis is the leading cause of disability in this country — affecting more than half of all 60-year-olds — today’s artificial joints are meeting and exceeding people’s expectations for a full return to regular activities.